The 11th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications (IEEA 2022) will be held in Xi’an, China, during March 04-06, 2022. IEEA conference is initiated by Science and Engineering Institute, USA, assisted by National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, University of Wollongong, Australia, Tokai University, Japan, Agriculture University, China, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and German University in Cairo, Egypt. This is the annual conference started at 2012 in Singapore, 2013 in Bali, Indonesia, 2014 in Shanghai, China, 2015 in Pattaya, Thailand, 2016 in Hong Kong, 2017 in Jeju Island, Korea, 2018 in Beijing, 2019 in Osaka, Japan, 2020 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and 2021 via online.On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we warmly invite you, informatics, environment, energy and applications scientist, engineer or technician, graduate student, or simply interested by the technique, to take part in this unique and innovative conference with your enthusiasm to develop, your desire to apply and your willingness to mature the informatics, environment, energy and applications.
为促进各国信息,环境,能源学者间的学术交流,分享最新研究成功经验,积极探寻合作机会,2022年第十一届信息,环境与能源应用国际会议将于3月4-6日在古都西安举行。 IEEA会议自2012年发起以来,已成功举办与新加坡,巴黎,上海,芭提雅,香港,济州岛,北京,大阪等地。 来自20多个国家的400多人参与。IEEA 2022由科学工程协会主办,由爱尔兰高威国立大学, 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学,日本东海大学,中国农业大学,泰国朱拉隆功大学等支持。在此我们诚挚的欢迎信息,环境,能源领域的学者,工程师,学生等参加,分享最新的研究成果,西安欢迎您的到来!